Your donations help us "make democracy work." We host candidate forums which are an opportunity to ask questions of your elected leaders. We organize mock elections in the high schools to educate young people on the voting process. We track local issues and provide public forms when we feel there is something happening in the community and the public needs to know. This past year, we hosted forums on water quality, the finances of the Champaign County Nursing Home, and the state of subsidized housing in Champaign County.
What are we up to now? We are tracking the Champaign County Jail process to ensure proper oversight and citizen involvement.
We are working in conjunction with the State League to get graduated income tax on the state ballot in 2014.
Help us continue these activities and more. All donated money is used in the local community. Non-tax deductible donations made to the League of Women Voters of Champaign County (LWVCC) support all of our activities including lobbying for League positions on issues. If you prefer to make a tax-deductible donation, a check may be written to the League of Women Voters of Illinois Education Fund (LWVIL-EF).
Please download the form below and mail it with your donation. We appreciate your support!
What are we up to now? We are tracking the Champaign County Jail process to ensure proper oversight and citizen involvement.
We are working in conjunction with the State League to get graduated income tax on the state ballot in 2014.
Help us continue these activities and more. All donated money is used in the local community. Non-tax deductible donations made to the League of Women Voters of Champaign County (LWVCC) support all of our activities including lobbying for League positions on issues. If you prefer to make a tax-deductible donation, a check may be written to the League of Women Voters of Illinois Education Fund (LWVIL-EF).
Please download the form below and mail it with your donation. We appreciate your support!

donationformweb.pdf |