Vote by Mail
Note: Quoted text on this page is taken from the County Clerk's website. The County Clerk is the official authority for this election. If you have any questions about your ballot, contact the Clerk’s office at [email protected] or 217-384-3724.
What Is Vote by Mail?
Voting by mail used to be called absentee voting, but that term is no longer used in Illinois. This form of voting allows you to request and receive a ballot that you can fill out in the comfort of your own home. In Illinois, you do not need a reason to vote by mail; it's available to all registered voters. Voters often choose to vote by mail if they're traveling around the date of the election or because of the convenience of completing their ballot at home, 24/7.
Starting in 2022, registered voters in Illinois have two options for voting by mail:
1. You can request to be added to the continuing vote by mail list. You only have to request a mail ballot once from the County Clerk's office. Unless you move, request to be removed from the list, or die, you will receive a mail ballot for every election you are eligible to vote in.
2. You can request a mail ballot for each election in which you want to vote by mail. In order to receive a mail ballot to use for the next election, request one from the County Clerk’s office. You must request a mail ballot for each election.
To make it easy, you can request a mail ballot for the April 4, 2023 Municipal Election starting Jnaury 4 at My Voting Information on the County Clerk’s website. Mail ballots will be sent out starting February 23.
1. You can request to be added to the continuing vote by mail list. You only have to request a mail ballot once from the County Clerk's office. Unless you move, request to be removed from the list, or die, you will receive a mail ballot for every election you are eligible to vote in.
2. You can request a mail ballot for each election in which you want to vote by mail. In order to receive a mail ballot to use for the next election, request one from the County Clerk’s office. You must request a mail ballot for each election.
To make it easy, you can request a mail ballot for the April 4, 2023 Municipal Election starting Jnaury 4 at My Voting Information on the County Clerk’s website. Mail ballots will be sent out starting February 23.
How to Vote by Mail?
1. Request Your Ballot Online or By Paper
- Use a paper mail ballot request form. If you prefer to fill out a paper request form, you can do so. Call the County Clerk’s office at 217-384-3724 and request a paper application be mailed to you. You can also download one from the Register to Vote page on the Clerk's website.
Be aware of the time frame for requesting your vote by mail ballot. Online is the fastest! Paper takes more time. The last day to request a mail ballot for the April 4, 2023 Municipal Election online is March 30 The County Clerk strongly encourages everyone to request their ballots online and as early as possible. Don't wait!
2. Receive Your Ballot
The County Clerk’s office will begin mailing ballots for the 2023 Municipal Election on February 23. The sooner you request your ballot, the sooner you can receive it.
The following FAQs are taken from the County Clerk's website.
What if I receive more than one ballot by mail?
What if I requested a ballot but never received it?
I don't think the ballot I received is correct. Now what?
3. Fill Out Your Ballot
From the County Clerk's Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I get help from a friend or family member in completing my vote-by-mail ballot? "Yes, you can. Just complete the 'Did You Get Help?' section on the return envelope."
4. Return Your Ballot
There are two ways to return your ballot.
Vote by Mail Security
Track your ballot’s progress at the Champaign County Clerk’s website. You will be able to see when the County Clerk receives your ballot request, when your ballot is put into the mail to you, and when the County Clerk receives your completed ballot.
What happens after I return my ballot?Secure Pick UpTrained staff members or volunteers from both Democractic and Republican parties pick up ballots from the post office and the drop boxes.
Ballots are returned to the County Clerk’s office. The barcode on the envelope is then scanned, which allows you to track your ballot’s progress at the Champaign County Clerk’s website.
Questions about Security
- Is vote-by-mail safe? "Vote by mail has been around since the Civil War and is a safe and reliable way to vote. Vote by mail used to be called 'Absentee' but now any eligible voter can vote by mail/vote at home. States all across the U.S. are almost entirely vote by mail because of the cost savings, security, and ease of voting. There are numerous checks and balances in place throughout the entire vote by mail process to ensure complete transparency, integrity and accuracy . . . Vote by mail uses the same machines for ballot printing, tabulation, voter verification and checking in as in-person voting and all machines are developed and governed by strict federal rules."
- How will I know if my ballot is counted? Ballots are checked in, verified, and cast by a panel of judges from both parties. This ensures everything is done according to statue and accurately. If you log into My Voter Information, you can see when your ballot has been received by the Clerk's Office. If there is anything that would prevent your ballot from being cast, the Clerk’s office will contact you immediately to rectify the issue.
- Ballots are checked in, verified, and then cast into the tabulator used only for mail ballots. This ensures everything is done according to statute and accurately. If you log into My Voting Information, you can see when your ballot has been received by the Clerk's office.
- What if my ballot is rejected? "If there is anything that would prevent your ballot from being cast, the Clerk’s office would contact you immediately to rectify the issue and you would have 14 days from election day to resolve the issue."
- What if I requested and received a mail ballot but changed my mind? What if I now want to vote in person? "You can do that. Take your vote-by-mail ballot with you to your polling place, surrender it to the Election Judge, and they will issue you a new ballot. However, we do encourage you to use your vote by mail ballot. It is safer for everyone. If you're not comfortable mailing it back, you can use a drop box."