Many Ways To Get Involved with the League
Get News
Read about the LWVCC events every month in The Voter newsletter. Members receive it every month. If you're not a member, subscribe here.
Follow the League on Facebook or Instagram. Spread the word about League activities on your social media.
Attend Events
Mark your calendar for educational or social activities in person or on Zoom. Watch the League calendar or home page for notices.
Watch one of our educational Videos on YouTube. We have a collection of recent programs that you may have missed.
Connect with Teams and Activities
Spend some time with fellow League members at Coffee and Conversation drop-in event. Or attend one of our 30 minute updates on what's happening locally with our chapter of the League of Women Voters. (members)
Connect with a team you're interested in. Use an email to make contact with a team lead and ask some questions. See the list of teams here.
Share your skills - Marketing and Communications is looking for help with photography, graphic design, writing, editing, marketing, planning and more. The Youth Outreach and Civic Engagement team is looking for volunteers to work with Student Ambassadors. The Voter Ready, GOTV and Candidate Forum teams can use a lot of help reaching out to voters in the months prior to an election. And more - see the Member Services team.
Support Our Mission
Talk to your friends, organizations or acquaintances about the good work LWVCC does. Help them find the League's Join page.
Take action! Read about national League-supported issues and recommended actions for League members.
Donate to help support the League's work.
Help Voters
Sign up to spend a few hours to help GOTV (Get Out The Vote) before an election. Volunteers needed to post flyers around town or talk with potential voters. <Insert email.>
Sign up to help with voter registration. LWVCC has many "table" events. Let the Voter Ready team know you're interested and get on the list. <insert VR email>
Offer to help LWVCC with a Candidate Forum before the March 19, 2023 election. Contact <insert>