A presentation on “Ins and Outs of Being an Election Judge in Champaign County,” was held via Zoom on Wednesday, August 28, 7:00 pm-8:00 p.m. Two members of the Champaign County Clerk’s Elections Division who work with election judges, the Election Judge Coordinator and the Communications and Outreach Coordinator, are the presenters. The presenters will share information about the requirements to be an election judge and the duties and expectations of the position. They will also address the application process, the variety of ways one can serve, the training provided, how high school students can serve as election judges, and how election judges are compensated. Video available at : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uU3NdYHbhQ This program is part of LWVCC’s Keeping It Local series, featuring topics of interest with a local or regional presenter, followed by discussion. All LWVCC Keeping it Local programs are free and open to the public.
LWVCC volunteers are holding voter registration and information events throughout Champaign County in advance of the 2024 election season. Below are the dates and times of events from June 2024 to October, 2024. Saturday June 15, 7:00am-12:00pm Urbana Market at the Square, 401 S Vine St, Urbana, IL 61801 Saturday June 22, 12:00pm - 4:00pm MLK Jettie Rhodes Neighborhood Day, King Park, 915 W, Wascher St, King Park, Urbana. Sponsored by the LWVCC Voter Ready and YOCE (Youth Opportunity and Civic Engagement) teams. Saturday July 13, 7:00am-12:00pm Urbana Market at the Square, 401 S Vine St, Urbana, IL 6180 Saturday August 17, 3:00pm-7:00pm Ashland Park Neighborhood Celebration, Toalson Park, 502 Bardeen Lane, Champaign Saturday August 24, 7:00am-12:00pm Urbana Market at the Square, 401 S Vine St, Urbana, IL 61801 Tuesday September 3, 1:00pm – 3:00 pm Community Service Center of Northern Champaign, 520 E Wabash Ave, Rantoul, IL 61866 Saturday September 21, 7:00am-12:00pm Urbana Market at the Square, 401 S Vine St, Urbana, IL 61801 Saturday October 5, 7:00am-12:00pm Urbana Market at the Square, 401 S Vine St, Urbana, IL 61801 Saturday October 19, 7:00am-12:00pm Urbana Market at the Square, 401 S Vine St, Urbana, IL 61801 If you have questions, or you'd like to help out, contact the Voter Ready team via email at [email protected].
![]() Local League members will have a chance to meet Becky Simon, the new president of the Illinois League of Women Voters, and learn what's happening at the statewide level. ![]() Offer a grateful send-off to our long-time president, Trisha Crowley, as she presides over her last annual meeting. Members: watch your email to learn more about the annual meeting, and don't forget to RSVP!
This program is about eliminating Cash Bail in Champaign County, as well as other aspects of the SAFE-T Act. The program will be led by outgoing President Trisha Crowley, who will welcome three speakers:
This program is part of LWVCC's Keeping It Local series.
April 4, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm. Champaign Public Library, Robeson Room. This month's Reading Club topic will be "No Cash Bail: The Illinois Experiment with Justice Reform." Since September 2023, Illinois courts no longer use a cash bail system. Instead, they use a “pretrial release” system as allowed by the SAFE-T Act. Articles to read and discuss will be sent out to members soon. Plan to come to learn more about this new system and what it means for the judicial process. Here are some optional reading, watching, and listening options. Choose what you wish from the list and come join the discussion of this timely topic.
The Reading Club Committee Hear from Local Experts On Tuesday, March 26, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm, we heard from local waste management experts about the recycling efforts within Champaign, Urbana, and across the University of Illinois campus. Background Documents for the MeetingThe presenters provided the following background material ahead of time for this meeting. Use the links below to view or download the pdf files.
See the Video Click the red button to see the video of the meeting. Keeping It Local is a monthly League of Women Voters of Champaign County program to discuss local issues.
Read Across America is holding its 24th annual celebration of community reading. Sponsored by the Urbana Park District, the event is geared toward children through age 10 and their significant adults.
The Voter Ready team of LWVCC will have a table at this event featuring age-related ballots for children to read and complete. They will also share voting and election reminders with adults. The event is at Lincoln Square Mall, 201 Lincoln Square, Urbana . Stop by to chat---open to the public. On Wednesday, February 28, 2024, League members Trisha Cowley, James Manrique, and Kannitha Fay led a Members Zoom session that explored many ways voters have to become informed about primary election candidates this spring. Below is a summary of the discussion at this event.
Be an Informed Voter: How to Find Information about Candidates My Voting Information: Trisha Crowley reminded everyone to access My Voting Information on the county clerk’s website to see or download your sample ballots for both parties. Champaign County’s Candidate Guide is the best local resource for nonpartisan information about candidates in contested races. James Manrique explained how he and other team members connect with candidates, gather their contact information, and request their responses to a questionnaire. Icons by each candidate’s picture lead to their website, social media, and perhaps email and phone number, all ways to find out more information about each candidate. How about social media? At the bottom of each of our website pages are icons that take you directly to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X, and YouTube. From there, you can look up candidates’ pages. Kanittha Fay pointed out that a candidate’s website might provide policy statements, but it’s usually static. Social media sources are immediate, direct communication with voters. For example, access a candidate’s Facebook page and click on “Photos” to see what the candidate has been doing lately, often with commentary. Although brief and likely not in depth about issues, social media provides a real-time view of candidate activity. Adding in other sources—advice from knowledgeable people, local media reporting, candidate forums and meet-and-greets, and opportunities to meet personally with candidates—all lead to being an informed voter. Access the candidate's social media. If the candidate's website doesn't provide links to their social media, type in the candidate's name + social media platform name. Recently, LWVCC recorded a forum between the two Democractic candidates for Champaign County Coroner. The Coroner is responsible for the investigation and certification of cause and manner of death in cases of violence or undue means. Press the button below to watch the video. Or, learn more with these links:
On Thursday, February 1, 6:30 pm, the Reading Club will meet on Zoom to discuss Civic Education. This discussion, which is a follow up to a discussion which started in the October Reading Club, will be led by LWVCC President Trisha Crowley.
Here are two suggested reads:
Questions to Annette Lansford at [email protected]. The LWVCC Reading Club meets three times a year to discuss either a book or a few articles on a topic of interest. |
League Events Detail
Here you'll see the details of recent LWVCC events. These are public events You may also see event information elsewhere on the site (Calendar, home page, etc.) |