The video for this presentation is available in the Protect Our Votes playlist on the LWVCC Youtube site. Professor Schwinn clarified the potential impacts of recent Supreme Court decisions that will likely make it harder to challenge discriminatory voting laws in court and provided concrete suggestions for actions we can take to support voting rights. A frequent commenter on issues related to constitutional law and human rights, Schwinn serves as editor of the American Constitution Society Supreme Court Review, an annual publication reviewing cases and issues at the Supreme Court. He serves on the Board of Advisors for the Chicago Lawyer Chapter of the American Constitution Society. He also works with area school teachers, students, and nonprofits on outreach and public education related to the Constitution. Forty-one people registered; 31 attended. Of the attendees, 19 were League members. Thanks to League members Karen Fresco and Ann Prisland for their participation in this collaborative series of programs. The Protect Our Votes series is collaboratively sponsored by these community organizations:
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